Transparency, quality and collaboration. Those are the three keywords that describe our approach.

Transparency, quality and collaboration. Those are the three keywords that describe our approach.

Transparency because we believe it’s important that our clients have access to information about who is involved in their supply chain, how their products are made, what materials are being used and the breakdown of costs.

Quality because we believe that only by providing high quality we can create long-lasting and sustainable collaborations. We care about our earth and we support conscious, ‘slow’ production, rather than fast and mass production. Slow production is not an excuse for slow responses or inefficiency, rather the opposite. Slow production means we take the time that is needed to consciously develop products that are made to last, as opposed to be used or worn for only one season. This means we invest time in the development process before going into production, allow time for product testing and make sure we report all data in order to minimize the risk of inconsistent quality during production and re-orders, even when you are ready to scale your production quantities. Other than high quality products, we also train our team about communication and time management, in order to make sure we can provide high quality service that will make your sourcing and/or manufacturing experience in Bali as easy as can be.

Collaboration because we believe in working and growing together with both our clients and production partners. We want to see you and your business thrive and we will be very proud to be part of your team. At the same time our sourcing and production management methods are designed to empower local artisans in Bali, making sure that each collaboration is mutually beneficial for both our clients and the artisans.

The Bali Curator was founded in late 2017 by Pria Angga Saputra and Cecile Schimmel. With their experience in sourcing and production management in Bali and Java for their own brand First of June, among many other brands, they noticed the gap between brands and artisans and started the mission to bring more transparency into supply chains. Fast forward seven years later we have grown and are now working with an amazing team, brought together by the shared passion for artisanal carft(wo)manship and belief in The Bali Curator’s mission. Our team is very important to us, and it is our priority to create and maintain a warm, professional and encouraging work environment for all employees. This environment supports our team in providing high-level service to our clients.